The Complications of a Soloist ✋ DASAR Newsletter #77

Hey Reader

This week we will discuss the final type of imposter syndrome - the soloist.

Article of the Week
"I Work Alone. I'm Good."

Do you find it very difficult to ask for help even when you need it? Do you have these thoughts in your head?

"I don't need anyone's help."
"I can do this by myself."
"I can't ask for other people's help. I need to prove myself."

These are signs of someone who suffers from imposter syndrome and it is very prevalent in the industry. People who don't find it easy to ask for help from others are known as a soloist - someone who likes to work on their problems without any guidance.

Signs of a Soloist

You firmly feel that you need to accomplish things on your own. You also tend to frame requests to the manager or person in charge in terms of the requirements of the project, rather than your needs as a person.

How Can You Work on It?

Recognize that there is no shame in seeking assistance when you require it. If you're unsure how to do something, ask a coworker. Seek advice from a supportive supervisor or even a career coach if you can't figure out how to solve a problem.

Action of the Week

Do these things by this weekend. Whenever you get stuck in any assignment, instead of going to the internet to Google an answer, try to reach out to your peers and ask if they can help you with your problem. See what kind of help you get from people around you. Human beings are social creatures and understand that it's okay to depend on each other for support when needed.

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. -Helen Keller

Catch you later!

Vineet from DASAR

Darshan from DASAR

I run a podcast, newsletter and online courses at DASAR that help people live meaningful and inspired lives. Level up how you manage your money, fitness and productivity with DASAR.

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