Understanding Imposter Syndrome πŸ‘₯ DASAR Newsletter #72

Hi Reader,

This week's newsletter focuses on what is imposter syndrome and its types.

Article of the Week​
What is imposter syndrome?

Have you ever felt like you can not seem to be confident in your abilities, no matter how accomplished you are? You might be at the top of the class or one of the best sportspersons in your year, but you always have this feeling of being a fraud and faking your way to your position.

These could be signs of imposter syndrome. According to a study in 2019, one out of five students experience imposter syndrome during their college years. Students who suffer from imposter syndrome frequently believe that their success is due to luck rather than hard work, and can affect anyone, regardless of social status, work experience, skill level, or level of expertise.

Let's dive deeper and understand what the different types of imposter syndrome.

Types of imposter syndrome

There are 5 kinds of imposter syndrome that people can be categorized as. See if you resonate with any of these:

  1. The Perfectionist​
    Do you feel you have never done enough? Does the work you put into your assignment feel unsatisfactory? Do you feel like you could have done it better? Perfectionists chase for nothing short of perfection from themselves and hence get self-doubt over their worth when they work.
  2. The Natural Genius​
    Natural genius are those who have been successful at most of their things their entire life and they feel like a big failure when they fail at doing something the first time. They have been nurtured in their childhood in such a way that they hold very highly about themselves and when they are not able to excel at doing something new, they feel like they are faking it.
  3. The Expert​
    These people pride themselves on what and how much they know about things. They always yearn to learn more and feel like if they do not know everything there is to know, the term "expert" should not be attached to them. If they are not able to answer certain questions that they should be knowing everything about, insecurity kicks in.
  4. The Superperson​
    These are the people who push their body to the limit to work. They give up on their holidays for work, they do overtime, they take more task than they can handle - all for the sake of feeling like they have "earned" their title and their position. These could be harmful for both their physical and their mental health.
  5. The Soloist​
    These people prefer to finish their work without any help. They feel like asking for help from others reveals that they are not enough for the work and need assistance to get their job done. You doubt your competence or abilities because you couldn't get there on your own.
Action of the week
  1. Check with yourself and your friends if they resonate with any of these symptoms which they might not be consciously knowing about. Take this test to find out what kind of imposter syndrome do you have?​
  2. Read up on how can you improve on minimizing the stress that comes with imposter syndrome.
  3. If available, talk to your mental health counsellor in your college for help.

"It is best to act with confidence, no matter how little right you have to it." Β­Β­-Lillian Hellman

Next week we will go deeper on overcoming your imposter syndrome. For further details we have an article and a video regarding overcoming imposter syndrome to build things that you can check out right now.


Vineet from DASAR

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